as she is, as she always was, really. In making a conscious effort to please we cannot help adding to our own stature any more than we can help breathing. The loved one responds to the conscious effort because she is aware of what is being done, and it awakens a response in her to do the same. Then, Pat, and only then do you begin to know your love. It encompasses the both of you and expands to include the whole world. Actually it is spiritual love and through it you learn to know the essence of your loved ono. Not Just the outward part she presents to the world, not the part she has given to you in the early days of your courtship, but the real essence of the individual as she actually is."
"But how is this accomplished?" askod Pat doubtfully. don't just order up spiritual love on a platter."
"No, of course you don't. You earn it in the way I suggested earlier. The more you try consciously to please a person the more you must actually think of that person, and the more you succeed the more joyful it becomes. And the nearer you draw together the more you are really doing what we wore told to do nearly two thousand years ago, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' It isn't just a mealy mouthed religious saying, Pat. It's just good sound practical advice. It doesn't solve all our problems in a minute, not by a long sight. We have to work at it and we are making it work. Right now I'm closer to Lesley than I've ever boon. I'm sitting hore talking to you because I enjoy myself doing so. Lesley is dancing and cutting up because she enjoys it. We are expressing ourselves in the way that it is our nature to do, but we are not dotracting from the essence of our love for each other in so doing because we love and respect the individual in each other. Do you understand?"
"In a way I do," Pat said thoughtfully, "but what happens when something does upset you or threatens your security?"
"There is a saying, 'Those who pray together stay together', but I guess our method would be a little too unorthodox to call prayer. It's nearer to meditation, I guess. Wo both have a place where we can go to be alone. I don't know Lesley's method, but I try to put everything out of my mind, including the problem, and concentrate on something